Magic Number | 101 | Magic Number of EA Trades |
Currency Pair | XAUUSD | Default currency trading distance (XAUUSD=20 USD=8 BTC=4000) |
Multiplier | 1.2 | Multiplier of next Trade |
Distance | 20 | Distance to Next Trade and Take Profit |
Drawdown Protection Start | 6 | The trade number where the risk reduction software enables |
Entry within RSI/Bollinger Bands | true | Only enter trade when RSI is 25-75 and within Bollinger Bands |
Trend Timeframe | H1 | Which Timeframe the Trend is to be based on |
Trailing Stop | 0.0 | Enables Trailing Stop once Take Profit is hit |
Exit Strategy Enable | false | Close Trades that are not in Trend |
Drawdown Chart % Close | 100 | Depending on Account Balance |
Drawdown Chart Money | 500 | Depending on Account Balance |
Money Management | false | Enable/Disable Money Management |
MMmultiplier | 5000 | Money Management multiplier per starting lot |
Starting Lot | 0.01 | Starting Lot |
Max Lots | 10 | Max lots open on all charts |
PauseBeforeNews | 240 | Time before news not to open a new trade series |
PauseAfterNews | 120 | Time after news not to open a new trade series |